Answers to the questions we've received, shared here for the benefit of all.


What is Limicon?
Limicon is a four-week, mostly online, "fan-made" open space convention dedicated to strengthening the growing ecosystem of communities spawned from the liminal web.
The three main goals of Limicon are to: 1. build connection and trust between members of the emerging field; 2. create engaging spaces for individual development and practice; and 3. nurture the field as a whole
Seems messy/fuzzy — does this whole thing really... work?
People seemed to have a great time last year! The nature of "success" will of course vary person to person depending on their hopes. We invite all members to take an active role in satisfying their desires, and no matter what happens, to keep an open mindset of learning and experimentation.
Can I bring a friend?
For some individual Limicon sessions you will be able to invite a guest (see schedule for details). Guests who want to attend more than a single session are encouraged to purchase their own ticket and join the network map!
How can I propose a session?
Upon registration, you will receive an email detailing the different options you have for proposing an event. Find more details on the Co-Create page.
How is my personal data used?
Read the current Privacy Policy — in short, your data is accessible to Limicon 2025 members, but not public. (This is a change from last year, where the network map and Miro were publicly accessible.) All ticket purchasers have consented to the privacy policy, and we rely on the mutual responsibility of all members and guests to safeguard each other's personal information.
Will the sessions be recorded?
Session hosts choose an appropriate privacy level for their session. There are four privacy levels: No recording, shared only with session attendees, shared with all Limicon 2025 attendees (default), or shared publicly. This information can be found in the description for that particular session.
How can I get involved?
There are many ways to get involved with Limicon. Join the co-creation calls or email the organizing team to learn more about opportunities.
Do I have to participate in the network map?
No, participation in the network map is completely voluntary; however, we do hope for a high participation rate. (Last year we had > 80% participation.) We intend the map as a fun and interactive way for you to visualize the connections between community members and for you to get to know other Limicon members.
What is Hylo? What is this "social hub"?
Think of Hylo as "like Facebook groups, but without the ethical baggage". We're designating this group (the invite link is in your Welcome email) as the official "social (media) hub" of Limicon 2025 in order to replace the mess of Wix forum + Slack + other platforms from last year. Emergence is great, but in this domain it turns out coordination is better! Most of us are new to this platform, but we should be able to create subgroups share about our sessions, and have a grand ol' time. Of course joining is optional, and the notification settings are tunable.
Where does the money from ticket sales go?
First, we need to cover expenses. We are doing our best to keep these costs down - most hard costs are technology platforms like Wix, Zoom, Zapier, SumApp, Miro, etc.
Second, some of the money goes towards compensating the people who are logistically and energetically organizing the space. We will conduct a "Happy Money Story" session towards the end of Limicon, an allocation/distribution practice open to visibility and participation. Limicon is a non-profit entity and nobody's extracting riches - in fact, sustainability/viability over time is still an open question.
I heard clothing is optional. Is that true?
We ask that video-visible torsos/bodies are more-or-less conventionally covered for the sake of creating a safe and fluid social atmosphere. But anything below the camera is fair game, as attendees of "Submerge 2024 - Conversations from a Bubble Bath" can attest. 🛀
Why can't I access the Limicon 2025 Schedule/Calendar?
Schedule Webpage: After purchasing your tickets, you received a welcome email with a password you can use to access the "Schedule" webpage, under 'Limicon Members.' Here, you will find events in list form as well as an embedded Google Calendar.
*Please do not share this password with anyone outside of Limicon 2025.
Google Calendar: After purchasing your tickets, you received a welcome email with a special link you can use to view the Limicon 2025 Official Calendar from your personal Google Calendar. If you are having trouble accepting this invitation from your phone, please use a desktop computer. (After you accept the invitation, you should be able to access the calendar from your phone.)
*Please do not share this link with anyone outside of Limicon 2025.
You'll know you've succeeded if you see a dialog like this and can click "Add":

Have a different question? Please email the organizing team.