Privacy Policy
Limicon is run by humans, who are not lawyers, so please contact the organizing team if you have any questions or needs unaddressed by this policy.
The default Limicon privacy boundary is that all sessions, activities, and related data are accessible and available for the personal noncommercial use of Limicon participants, and not available to the public. The Limicon 2025 Network Map, shared Limicon 2025 Miro board, group-level content in the Limicon 2025 Hylo group, official unlisted Youtube playlist, and any other relevant data/platforms are governed by this default.
However, session hosts have wide latitude to designate their session (particularly audio or video recordings) as adhering to a range of privacy levels:
No recording
Recording available only to session participants (plus special cases for specific individuals)
Recording available to Limicon participants (default)
Recording publicly available
Confidentiality: Default to Chatham House Rule (information is usable; however, do not reveal identities), or else another confidentiality policy for a particular session, as specifically designated by the session host(s) at the start of the session.
The trust and safety of Limicon participants depends on all hosts and participants holding the proper privacy boundaries. Please be responsible. Anyone desiring to bring information from a more-restrictive to less-restrictive privacy level must obtain written review and approval of their content anonymization efforts from the organizing team.
Attendance: Limicon sessions are by default open to attendance by any Limicon participant. Reasonable criteria and guidelines may be applied by the session host to restrict attendance to specific sessions. Sessions may be attended by representatives of hosting/participating organizations as necessary for hosting a beneficial experience, but Limicon sessions may not be openly offered to the public. Participants may bring a guest/friend/family when that is integral to the purpose of a specific session. Guests who want to attend more than a single session are encouraged to purchase their own ticket.
Last modified: January 30, 2025